
Wednesday 23 May 2012

Went school and do nothing just to wait for pjpk paper at 11.50am.
Chat chat chat with four potatoes. Which is elaine puiyung janice and kaibin XD.
Stayed back with choikahsoon. Went Amcorp Mall to have our lunch ;)

I guess tomorrow will be another lifeless day in school. Sivik paper tomorrow lol.
Talking session with potatoes again i guess :p

Two more days till mid year holidays! *excited*
Buttttt, trial is coming soon omg. Ok let just dont think about it and enjoy for the coming holiday first heh :p

Going to start teaching little kid violin on this friday. Kinda nervous haha.
I scared i can't handle those kids. Since Jacintha told me that some of them are really naughty :p
Wish me luck! :p

noob is noob. noob is cks. cks is noob.
random :p

Sunday 6 May 2012

Hi readers~! *if there's any readers for my blog heh*
Long time no seeeeeeeeeeee :P

Haven't been updating my blog for a long time. BUSY? No lah. It's laziness fault. hehe.

hmm where to start where to start ?
Okay, exam is coming real soon. serious shit. #lol.
And i'm still very very blur in many subjects :S
Thank god that i've started my account tuition on last month.
If notttt, die 99.
I hope I'll pass my account paper for this term exam. Since i didn't pass account before, since form 4. 
Damn l-a-u-z-y hor.

Todayyy, went sunway pyramid alone just to find a science reference book. And i found it, like finally. *wink*

*sudden thought*

I have no idea to blog what liao.


 SPCA with my beloved 5P3 ;p


baking :3

mommy's birthday ^^

Baby owl from him <3

Made this for him hehe.


gila gf.

 Band concert with him. And 11th anniversary, mwahhh.
 Thanks for the iphone stand babe.

sleepy eyes huh :p


RT "如果可以,你能不能在我生气时轻声说:宝贝,我们不闹了好不好,我知道错了,让你捏耳朵还不成吗;如果可以,在我无理取闹时你就随声附和着吧,并使劲说:好,宝贝怎样都是对的!抬头是你宠溺的微笑;如果可以,我希望这辈子都有你陪伴;如果可以,下辈子还要和你在一起。如果可以,我们就结婚吧。"

saw this from twitter.
My boy did all these to me. *so proud so proud* hehehehehehehehe.
Love you!
